Sub-Conscious Processing of Food

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There’s a cute commercial playing on TV, about ‘Alexa’ a virtual assistant. The family asks Alexa to play a song and bingo, Alexa Just plays it. She doesn’t ask why you want this song OR to wait for sometime OR she has something better, Alexa just follows your command like an obedient assistant. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all can have such an assistant in reality? But wait, don’t we already have it? Yes, we all have it and we call it Sub-Conscious mind. Sub-Conscious mind is as an obedient assistant which has a reach and potential beyond imagination!!

Alexa converts the voice into text and runs through search engines or relevant sites to complete your task. Sub-Conscious mind also performs in similar fashion. When you give a command to Sub-Conscious mind in form of thoughts, it looks through its vast library and sometimes beyond it to complete your wish or make a way for your wish to come true. In case of Search engines, It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for a violent series or some innovative channel, it just responds to your input. Similarly, Sub-Conscious mind doesn’t judge what your inputs are, but immediately jumps towards the manifestation based on your inputs. If your inputs are clear and persistent , you will get fast and precise results.

We all use Sub-Conscious mind, knowingly or unknowingly!! It is an integral component of our being and is responsible for the amount of money we have in our life, the quality of our relationships and the state of our health and everything else. Its potential is huge because it not only have access to its own library but also to the Infinite Intelligence. When we have such a powerful resource it is important to keep it in good condition.

We live in two states, First with the stored memories which are accumulated in the Sub-Conscious mind out of our own/ancestral/ collective experiences of a society. Most of the time we live under the impression of these memories. That is the reason, people, places change but the experiences we get from them remains same. Like some old record playing again and again on different devices. 

Second is living with Inspiration (IN-SPIRIT – being in harmony with Spirit, the Infinite intelligence).This is the place from where,  Creative

ideas are generated, a Classic piece of music or painting is made, Breakthrough products are found, Unbelievable source codes are written and Next-gen technology comes to form!! We all can be in this state if we are ready to identify the accumulated memories which are not serving us anymore and release them to make space for Inspiration.

Having said that, all memories are not useless. We have so many examples of people with no prior experience of business or a MBA from Harvard have  made tons of money by establishing successful business. In these cases they just have accessed those Sub-Conscious memories which guides them to perform in a certain way. So it is important to identify the core memories which are not serving us anymore and make peace with them. There are many tools available, you just need to give a command to your Sub-Conscious mind and it will bring the right tool for you. I personally have benefited from a tool RCM of Redikall Consciousness. (

There is one more important similarity between a Search engine and Sub-Conscious mind. Whenever you look up for anything on a search engine, based on your key words it takes you to different websites and when you visit these sites there is possibility that you will come back with cookies, cache etc., and eventually it may lead to a slow down of your browsing capacity. Similar thing happens with the Sub-Conscious mind. Whenever you access your subconscious mind, it also brings up lot of unnecessary associated memories which not only slows down the processing but also blocks the access to Infinite Intelligence.

Let us try to explore this concept in light of establishing a harmonious relationship with food at Sub-Conscious level and see how we can make use of this towards enhancing our fitness. Before you consume food, Sub-Consciously you start processing it. The drooling which happens even before you take a bite is the function of your Sub-Conscious mind. So the moment you look at the food or smell it, the Sub-Conscious mind starts accessing its library and sometimes comes back with cache in form of a unpleasant memories related to that specific food(This is also the source of the many food allergies).

Many of us binge time to time on food items like Sweets, pizza, candies, fried food etc., Now trying to avoid these food items to be healthy could be a short term solution but may not be sufficient. To have a concrete solution, you need to look into how do you feel after having it. The emotions could be different for different people. Some people might feel guilty, some would feel not good enough to keep their commitment towards self etc., So rather than blaming food we need to look into where is this need for feeling guilty or not good enough is coming from and address it appropriately and then dis-associate the food with the relevant feelings. By doing this you would be able to enjoy your food and you would also be able to stay in limits effortlessly. This is a Festive season all over the world and its time to Feast. I would say, don’t stop yourself and have all the fun. At the same time make use of this opportunity and observe your thoughts when you have the food and find a balance to fall in love with both your health and Food. 

Happy festivities, Cheers!!

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