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7- 8 PM IST| 1:30 - 2:30 PM GMT| 8:30 - 9:30 AM EST

You must have heard, “Money Can’t buy happiness.” This is true to an extent. There is no guarantee you would be happy with Money, but the absence of Money can significantly influence your happiness quotient. The Lack of Money can make you go through stress, anxiety, feeling of shame, low confidence, low self-esteem, and strained relationships, and it’s challenging to be happy in these circumstances.

Coming FridayClear Your Blocks & 

Enhance The Flow of Money In Your Life

Is Money Really Important?

74% of cases pending in 

Court are related to property/money disputes

#1 Cause for the stress in marriages is Finances, which is followed by children and then interpersonal relationship.

77% working population relies on one or the other form of loan to meet Medical emergencies, wedding expenses, house renovation, children’s education, etc.,

42% of College dropouts happen because of financial challenges.

61% people are not able to follow their passion because of the monetary concerns & responsibilities

Thousands of people die across the globe every year, not being able to avail the right medical intervention because of the financial challenges. In 2022, Financial stress is one of the major causes affecting people’s physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Money influences all aspects of life, even spirituality, despite this, over 70% of people having challenges with either Receiving, Retaining  Or Experiencing Money

The Reason is the Stored Data in the Subconscious Mind, made up of your early experiences related to money, along with the limiting beliefs and conditions borrowed from the environment, culture or from the adverse experiences of your ancestors which are passed on to you through your parents.

Enhance Your 

Prosperity Consciousness

Upgrade Your Subconscious 

Money Blueprint

Salient Features of the Workshop

A Non-Judgemental Platform to safely & systematically work on the scattered parts of 

your energy

Precise recognition and resolution of your subconscious money blocks

Enhance your Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Worthiness while you upgrade your money blueprint

Specific Statements and Affirmations for Positive Reinforcement

Break your negative money patterns. Receive money with Honour

Enhancing awareness of self by understanding the energetic nature of money

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Benefits of the Workshop

Integrating scattered energy will increase money flow in your life, leading you to a secure and stable future.

Learn how to work with your subconscious mind and Co-create Financial freedom, leading you to a life full of fresh and richer experiences.

Awaken the natural money manager in you and eliminate the fear of being controlled by people or situations.

Attain freedom from money-related anxiety to be in an optimum mental, emotional, and physical state.

Manifestation of money leads to enhanced social status, and enhanced social status opens up new avenues to manifest money. Subconsciously crack this game and open up new people, places, and possibilities

Subconsciously, explore the possibilities to follow your dreams and passion, with financial security.

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