We call planet earth a plain of duality, where you usually learn through the opposite of experiences. If you observe your life in a calm state of mind, you can see that there are specific challenging experiences you have been going through repeatedly. The 4 Steps in this article will help you break the patterns and accelerate your journey with the help of New consciousness so that you can open up to many more beautiful experiences in life.
However troublesome the situation looks, you learn something from it at both human and spiritual levels. It isn’t easy to see or even think about learning when you are in the thick of emotions. That’s where you keep going in a loop of similar experiences.
Just think of your relationship challenges. If you have experienced a letdown at an early age, by the time you are reading this article, you probably have gone through multiple disappointments by different people under various circumstances. It could be with your boss, colleagues, friends, partner, children, maid, or even a stranger. Only names and faces change, but the experience remains the same. But why do we even have to go through harrowing experiences?Â
Enroute to Evolution
The experiences we go through are a means to an end, which is nothing but a continuous process of evolution. The subconscious mind is Pro-growth and Anti-stagnation. It doesn’t mind whether you are moving forward with Inspiration, desperation, or conspiracy until you keep growing. The challenging experiences usually fall either into the category of desperation or conspiracy. In the context of this article, I’m referring to learning from desperation or conspiracy as “Old Consciousness.”
We have been growing and evolving through different programs. E.g., helplessness is a program that can make you understand the real essence of Power, and you may go through several episodes of helplessness to integrate the meaning of Power at the soul level. Helplessness can come in different ways, by going through tough financial challenges, someone in your relationship making you feel helpless, or health issues rendering you powerless. If you are learning what Power is all about, the subconscious mind will keep manifesting situations of helplessness to aid your exploration of Power.
Some similar programs
Shame is another powerful program that can make you hungry for respect, and, in the process of being respectable, you end up growing in several aspects of life.
Anger, if channeled appropriately, can help you do things that are almost impossible to accomplish under normal circumstances.
Similarly, Betrayal is a program that can make people shut down their dependency on others and become self-reliant to avoid the hurt which comes along the betrayal. Sometimes, people who go through betrayals open up to deep metaphysical quests and connect strongly to themselves.
Why is there a need to shift from Old Consciousness to New Consciousness?
Though the programming of Helplessness, Shame, Anger, Abuse, betrayal, etc. (which we can collectively refer to as Old Consciousness) supports you to grow, it also brings in a lot of collateral damage, making you focus just on the problem rather than the solution. This creates a vicious circle that is hard to break.Â
If you wish to avoid going through similar challenging situations, Let’s explore whether there is any better way to learn the lessons and grow.
Growing Through Inspiration Or New Consciousness:
During my Redikall Crystalline Mind workshop, I often use the following example while explaining the concept of growing through Inspiration. Let me walk through it.
Assume you want to explore your physical strength. You can do that in different ways.
Inspiration - the Green Light
Inspiration is nothing but In-Spirit (being one with the Spirit or being in harmony with the universal consciousness). In this mode, you are flowing in the direction of the flow, and the universe provides you with all the support, like you meet the right people and find good opportunities at the right time. Here the journey is faster and more accurate, with hardly any waste of time and resources.
Continuing with the example, when you are inspired, you may get an opportunity to test your physical strength by getting into sports where you joyfully and consciously keep testing your physical limits. When it’s through Inspiration, you may find an encouraging coach who inspires you to get into sports, You may fall in love with the sports you are playing, you may have like-minded friends with whom you enjoy playing and many more circumstances where you hardly need to be pushed but are easily motivated. Being inspired, the physical endurance enhances naturally, and you mostly do it for fun.
Desperation - The Yellow Light
You may have chosen your learning at some enhanced level of your consciousness. So the lesson has to be completed, and the desperation sets in if you are not inspired. In this mode, you usually feel irritated, restless, and perpetually feel like something is missing.
Continuing with the example, being desperate, you manifest challenging situations as reminders, like a situation where you get bullied. Such an experience can make you feel weak, humiliated, and furious with yourself and others. Now you may join a gym or a martial art class, channel that anger, and start building your strength with a wish to be not bullied ever again. In the process, you will push your limits and explore your physical strength.
There is nothing wrong with this way of learning, but the seed thought here is the feeling of weakness, and the stored anger keeps you moving forward. With desperation also, you can explore your physical strength, but storing anger can be detrimental to many more aspects of your life. The situation becomes tricky when the subconscious mind associates your ability to expand your awareness through the programs like humiliation, weakness, etc., because it will keep looking for it when you want to move to the next level.
Conspiracy - The Red Light
The conspiracy sets in when you miss the boats of both Inspiration and desperation. Conspiracy is a way of learning with a lot of collateral damage.
Continuing with the metaphor, assume you accidentally break your leg. In getting back on your feet, you work out or join a rehabilitation program, and on the way to recovery, you discover your true physical strength.
When you closely observe yourself and your surroundings, you will realize that conspiracy is also not so uncommon. It happens with many, like getting terminated from a job, severe illnesses, businesses going bankrupt, abusive relationships, etc., where you have no option but to face and learn your lessons.
The lesson may not change because you probably have designed it at some level, but you always have free will to change how you learn your lessons. Following are the four steps that will help you shift the way of your learning to Inspiration, which we usually refer to as the New Consciousness.
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4 Stepping stones to the New Consciousness
The lesson may not change because you probably have designed it at some level, but you always have free will to change how you learn your lessons. Following are the four steps that will help you shift the way of your learning to Inspiration.
Step 1: Recognizing the experience
In this step, we identify and dissociate the experience from the situations, people, and circumstances. The following statement will provide you with a neutral perspective on your challenges.Â
Before you begin, take some deep breaths. This will help you relax and signal to your subconscious mind that you are in a safe and comfortable space. (Click here for a detailed guide on applying Redikall statements.)
If you are going through a rough relationship with someone, start with the statement:
I Recognise “Name of the person”Â
Repeat the above statement 21 times and see how you feel. If you start feeling helpless, then this person or the relationship dynamics is giving you an experience of helplessness.
Step 2: Recognizing the Brilliance
Once you identify the associated experience behind your challenges, the next step is to determine what is that you are learning through this experience. You can use the following statement:
I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition the Brilliance behind my helplessness.
Observe the memories and visuals which surface when you recite the above statement. They will guide you to the Brilliance behind your current challenge.
Step 3: Gratitude and Adieu
Adapting to a new way of learning through inspiration can’t happen by rejecting the old ways. Your seed thought is important; if you begin with rejection, rejection is what you will manifest.
Though the programs of old consciousness have made your lives difficult, they are divine too. The programs like violence, anger, shame, guilt, greed, fear, etc., have also contributed to your growth in more ways than you could imagine. So you’ll need to acknowledge them and give your gratitude before you let them go. Usually, moral upbringing teaches you to suppress anger, greed, fear, etc., and treat them as dark. Recognizing the true essence of these programs will help you stop fighting what you consider your shadow personality, making the transition smooth.
Refer to the statements and cards at the end of this article which will help you with this transition.
Step 4: Leap into the New Consciousness
The last step is to create a new association of growth. Assuming you are going through helplessness, and the brilliance behind it is the exploration of your inner strength, you can use the following statement.
I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition My Awareness To Grow Through My Inner Strength
If you glance at the familiar human history, you will realize we have come a long way from the invention of the wheel to exploring space. Growth is inevitable and natural. It will keep happening at your personal and cosmic levels. The same human history will also tell you how we have been going through wars, lack, deprivation, hunger, and strained interrelationships. This can shift when more and more people start aligning with the new consciousness of abundance, Joy, peace, and prosperity, knowing that there is enough for everyone and there is a possibility to grow and evolve in this space.
Statements And Cards To Help In Transiting From Old To New Consciousness
Redikall Statement to heal & integrate the grief, sadness, loss of loved one:
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of Grief and lovingly inspire self and others towards ACCEPTANCE”

Redikall statement to heal and Integrate the trauma of Humiliation, embarrassment, indignity, shame, dishonour
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of Humiliation and confidently Inspire self and others towards DIGNITY”

Redikall statement for the fear of being controlled, Power games, Resistance to take proactive charge
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of Control and generously Inspire self and others towards LIBERATION”

Redikall statement to heal and Integrate the Struggles with Career, Relationships, Health, Finances etc
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of learning through adversities and Inspire self and others to learn in a Light-hearted and Fun-filled manner”

Redikall statement to heal and integrate the trauma of verbal, emotional, physical, financial abuse etc
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of Abuse and Courageously Inspire self and others towards EMPOWERMENT”

Redikall statement to heal and Integrate the anger and rage towards self or others Or the trauma of being subjected to Anger from others
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of Anger and Compassionately Inspire self and others towards PEACE”

Redikall statement to heal and Integrate the trauma of betrayals, cheating, backstabbing etc., by self or others
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of betrayal and trustingly Inspire self and others towards INTEGRITY”

Redikall statement to heal & integrate the trauma of shame, embarrassment indignity, dishonour, disrespect etc
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of Shame and Consciously Inspire self and others towards RESPECT”

Redikall statement to heal & Integrate the spiritual rejection of Human life, Resistance to accept the ground reality
“I R5 my reverence for the Human shortcomings & inconsistencies and inspire self and others to embrace the joy of Being a Human”

Redikall statement to heal and Integrate the trauma of irritation, annoyance, restlessness etc
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of irritation and gently Inspire self and others towards cALMNESS”

Redikall statement to heal & Integrate the guilty consciousness
“I R5 my reverence for the magic of guilt and compassionately inspire self and others towards FORGIVENESS”

Mujeeb Ahmed,
Counseling Psychologist, Intuitive Medium, Redikall Facilitator
Former Senior Software Engineer,
Click to Know more about the Author
2 Comments on Stepping Into The New Consciousness
Extremely well written and explained
The affirmations are very easy and simple to remember and the manifestation of every issue is detailed effectively
Awesome work Mujeeb , and cute pic too 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement Shannon. Much Appreciated!!