Redikall SoulMetaplay
Transform Your Reality with Energy Alignment
Welcome to a transformative healing modality that transcends the conventional boundaries of understanding and delves into the metaphysical realm—where group dynamics and intuitive guidance converge to facilitate profound shifts in energy and reality.
In this unique approach, a diverse group of individuals comes together, united by a shared intention to explore and address challenges spanning the spectrum of health, relationships, financial matters, and beyond.
The modality unfolds as a case is presented—an intricate scenario that mirrors real-life struggles. Under the intuitive guidance of a facilitator, participants embark on a collective journey, each taking on a role assigned by the facilitator without prior knowledge of their character. One participant may embody the case presenter, while others embody entities such as a house, money, a person, or even abstract emotions like anger, sadness, or the inner child. The magic lies in the unseen relationships that unfold at the energetic level.
The group engages in a transformative process, reciting affirmations as a unified force to settle the disturbing energy surrounding the characters. This dynamic energy work continues until all the characters find a state of energetic equilibrium. Following this profound exploration, a debriefing unveils the identities of the characters and unravels the valuable lessons embedded in the challenges faced.
This healing modality operates on three foundational principles, serving as the pillars of its transformative power:
1) Everything is Energy:
In this metaphysical space, participants understand that everything—people, gadgets, plants, relationships, money, assets, health etc.,—is a manifestation of energy. This recognition forms the basis for the energetic interplay within the group.
2) Oneness:
Central to the modality is the profound understanding of interconnectedness—the invisible threads that bind everything and everybody. This interconnectedness is the key to participants effortlessly embodying characters, even without prior awareness of the case presenter or the intricate details of their life situations. It is this cosmic oneness that allows each participant to intuitively resonate with the energies at play, creating a seamless and transformative experience.
3) Energy Alignment:
A fundamental principle asserts that every challenge in the tangible reality is rooted in an underlying misalignment of energy. Whether it be interpersonal conflicts, property disputes, or health issues, this misalignment becomes tangible as real-life challenges.
As participants explore the energetic dimensions of their challenges, guided by intuitive insights and group synergy, they unlock the potential for profound shifts. This modality serves as a powerful conduit for aligning energy, fostering healing, and witnessing tangible transformations in the fabric of reality.
Steps Involved in Redikall Soulmetaplay for Case Resolution:

1. Case Presentation
Individuals seeking to address personal challenges proactively book their case by paying the relevant fees in advance.
2. Workshop Creation
A Soulmetaplay workshop, conducted either online or onsite for case resolution, is announced, providing individuals the opportunity to participate by paying a nominal fee. Beyond the targeted case resolution, all participants—whether a case presenter, role player, or observer—derive collective group energy benefits equally. The workshop is inclusive and open for registration to anyone interested in joining.

3. Beginning of the Workshop with Grounding Meditation
The workshop commences with a grounding meditation to establish a centered and focused collective energy.
4. Roleplay Allocation
The facilitator gradually assigns roles to participants as the workshop progresses. The allocation of roles is a fluid process, and the facilitator can dynamically assign a role to any individual in the group, guided by intuition. Various characters may be introduced at distinct phases of the soul metaplay.

5. Balancing Energy
Led by the facilitator, the group engages in reciting channeled statements and affirmations, fostering energetic equilibrium among all characters involved.6. Debriefing
Upon settling the energy, the Soulmetaplay concludes, leading to a crucial debriefing session. Here, the facilitator unveils the diverse characters played by participants, often in a blindfolded fashion. Participants, unaware of their roles during the process, rely on their feelings, making the debriefing an essential cognitive understanding of energy imbalances and the associated lessons.

7. Conclusion
To solidify the experience, an affirmation, crafted from the summary of the Soulmetaplay, is shared. Regular use of this affirmation over subsequent weeks facilitates a seamless transition into a new and empowered self. In instances involving intense sessions, a closing meditation is conducted following the debriefing, augmenting the assimilation of transformative energies.Guidance on Soulmetaplay: Embracing the Fluid Path of Transformation
The outcomes of the Soulmetaplay are not guaranteed or fixed. This transformative process is guided by higher energies and transcends the control of the facilitator or workshop organizers. As organizers, we’ve observed instances where individuals experienced results as soon as the next day, while in other cases, outcomes manifested after months. The transparency of this process is maintained, and the facilitator conducts it with unwavering integrity and faith. Soulmetaplay serves as a unique and potent modality, particularly employed when addressing client challenges proves difficult through one-on-one therapies due to the intricate dynamics originating from the client’s past or transgenerational memories.
To book your case or obtain further information, click the WhatsApp link below:
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