Manifestation with Clarity

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Do you know before getting confused to choose something.. We make a choice to get Confused… It’s confusing, right?


In this article, Let’s Explore the energetic significance of confusion and how it slows down your manifestation process. We will also go through Redikall statements to Align to the frequency of manifestation with Clarity!!


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    Achievements are driven by Clarity, and when you have clarity, both Conscious and Subconscious minds come in sync to emit accurate signals to the universe, making your dreams a reality in no time. Despite knowing this, we stick to confusion because not having Clarity about one familiar way opens us to explore multiple potential options. Confusion is a Powerful growth catalyst, but it comes with bugs like Stress, Anxiety, irritation, Delayed, or Unintended manifestations.


    I’m certain you have gone through phases in life where Confusion and conflict made your life pretty challenging. It could be related to Education, Job, Career, business, or a Partner. More often than not, we find ourselves at Crossroads, facing confusion. It has become an integral part of our learning process to the extent that it’s almost inevitable.


    Confusion is not an isolated emotion, it comes in a bundle of several feelings. Let’s look at 4 important aspects which make up Confusion and how to overcome it with the help of Redikall Insights.


    4 Hurdles to Your Clarity

    1) Fear of Unknown

    The subconscious mind is Pro-growth and comes with strong instincts of survival. By nature, for the subconscious mind what is familiar is Safe and what is unknown is Dangerous. Interesting thing is, the Physiological reaction for both Fear and Excitement are the same, it’s the interpretation of the mind which decides which one it is. So we have a choice to look at unknown situation as an exciting opportunity rather than a fear factor.

    Following Redikall statements will help you over come the fear of unknown.

    ✓ I R5 my association of fear with Unknown

    ✓ I R5 my association of Unknown with Excitement

    2) Ownership

    Majority of the people choose to stay confused to avoid taking up Ownership of the consequences which may follow because of making wrong decisions. The Source of this kind of avoidance is the guilt and regret of making wrong choices in past. This can be overcome by forgiving self for making mistakes and consciously opening up to take ownership of the Outcome. 

    Following Redikall statements will help you with that.

    ✓ I R5 my guilt and regret of making wrong choices

    ✓ I R5 my faith in self and others

    ✓ I R5 my fear of Failure

    ✓ I R5 my fear of Accountability

    3) Fear of Letting go

    Fear of letting go comes out of unresolved trauma of loss from the Past. This makes us hoard and stagnate. When we talk in terms of energy we attract situations in life that give us certain experiences. We probably have designed these experiences at some level and these experiences are going to come to us despite all the efforts to avoid them. So the better option is to face them head on and flow with the flow of life with a knowingness that whatever is meant for you shall remain in your life.

    Following affirmations will help you to be courageously decisive and overcome the associated fear of loss.

    ✓ I R5 my stored grief

    ✓ I R5 my past trauma related to loss 

    ✓ I R5 my fear of loss

     ✓ I R5 my faith in my good fortune

    4) Association of growth with confusion

    The association of Growth with Confusion is profound and is difficult to let go of. Because the Subconscious mind always resists switching anything which has helped you to grow. The classical example of this is the Spiritual seekers. Many of them tend to remain confused and lost so that they can pursue their quest for knowledge. After all, confusion has fueled the quest for Knowledge more than the Clarity has ever done. If you have any such association this Redikall statement will help you.

    ✓ I R5 my association of Growth with Confusion

    Alignment to the New Way of Manifestation

    After you work with your old associations, it’s time to realign to manifestation with Clarity and Pace. Following Redikall Statements will help you with the New alignment.

    ✓ I Graciously receive with Clarity

    ✓ It is safe to know the unknown

    ✓ I R5 my attachment to the outcome

    ✓ I Get what is due to me with ease and grace under harmonious circumstances

    ✓ I Fearlessly open up to receive love

    ✓ I Cherish and focus on my uniqueness and Unique Opportunities

    ✓ I Invite a courteous and polite approach from one and all


    Not having clarity is one of the significant reasons behind the slow pace of material manifestation. Specifically, money is a very sensitive energy and demands attention that is supported by clear intentions. 

    The following Redikall reading and statements will help you with the manifest money with clarity by overcoming the fear of the unknown.

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