4 Steps of Liberation from REVENGE-A Brilliant catalyst of Growth

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The saying “Revenge is a dish best served cold” and a Quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” both have significance and brilliance from their respective spaces. What would you choose if you were wronged and held a grudge against someone?

Revenge Meaning

Revenge is a powerful subconscious program that has served humans since time immemorial. It can give one a purpose, a goal and lead to intensely focusing the energy in a specific direction. Doesn’t it feel good to see Iron man thrashing Thanos, that righteousness, the sense of justice, and the urge to make a wrong into a right? There are many historical examples where one wronged person has changed the entire system for the better in a quest for revenge.

But is there something better than revenge? Let’s explore how the program of revenge works at the energy level and the possibility of a more refined approach.

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    Revenge Meaning in terms of energy

    Revenge always need not be an intense desire to destroy someone; it can be as subtle as a nudge, ‘I told you so!’. Though revenge helps with the sense of justice, what fuels revenge is the stored anger and grief, which takes shelter in you until you are through with your revenge. Holding anger and grief slowly starts eating you inside out, influencing your health and other vital aspects of life.

    Take a minute and experience this right away; think of a person you hate most for 20 seconds and see how your body feels, then think of a person you love the most and see how your body reacts.

    3 important Revenge scenarios

    1) Equation of Revenge with Loved ones

    The revenge gets cumbersome when you get hurt by a loved one, like a parent, partner, or your child. Often people come across situations where they feel betrayed, humiliated, restricted, or belittled by their loved ones. You get hurt, yet choose to suppress those emotions because of your love for them. In such cases, you unconsciously start hurting yourself because of not being equipped to process the stored anger.

    2) Revenge on Self

    Revenge gets much more complicated when you are guilty of something and want to Punish yourself. Many of the crises in life with health, finances, and relationships stem from the need to inflict punishment on yourself for a mistake you have made intentionally or unintentionally. To let go of this kind of guilt is not easy. It can only be done with expanded awareness and knowing that every soul is powerful and creates its reality. We just perform the roleplay. Sometimes we play victims, and sometimes play the role of a culprit. If you have hurt someone, there must be some higher purpose behind it. With a genuine understanding of this, you would be able to own up to your mistakes and forgive yourself. A sincere self-forgiveness can set you free from the cycle of hurting others, feeling guilt, and then hurting yourself.

    On similar lines of taking revenge on self, there is an interesting concept, “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination,” which you would have experienced with yourself. If you closely observe this scenario, you will see how detrimental the cycle of revenge can be.

    Revenge Bedtime Procrastination:

    “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination” is a loose social media translation of the Chinese concept which got popular after the covid-19. After a long and hectic day of work, you require a night of good sleep, but if you observe, you will find it difficult to sleep on hectic days!!

    This is the unconscious behavior where the mind wants to compensate for the lost time and enjoyment during the day and reclaim its sense of freedom. After a tiresome day, people procrastinate their sleep in many ways, pondering upon the pending work, drinking caffeine at night, engaging on social media, and even keep scrolling the phone without any meaningful engagement. Though this procrastination helps you vent out anger and feel justified, you also sacrifice much-needed sleep and end up hurting your body which is already tired.

    3) Revenge on Others

    Speaking in terms of energy, taking revenge might help in some cases if that is the experience your soul is seeking and is in alignment with your life’s purpose. But in many cases, people who take revenge never find the sense of completion they seek. Even after vengeance, there is no guarantee that the experience won’t repeat with another person, that is because of not addressing the underlying reason behind being subjected to the initial trauma.

    For example, if someone makes you feel severely helpless time and again, you can take revenge on them by hurting them with all the external force and making them move out of your life. This solution could be temporary unless you address the sense of helplessness inside. Without addressing the inner helplessness, if you solely focus on revenge, you may get rid of one person but eventually attract people who would give you similar experiences. Just the names and the faces change, but the experience remains the same.


    “The person hurting you is not significant, but the experience is.”


    A better approach would be to recognize the inner helplessness, understand where it is coming from, what is it teaching you and integrating that lesson. Once you embrace the learning, the need for vengeance will be replaced with gratitude towards that person for being part of your learning. This will help you find a graceful completion. Here is the systematic process to achieve that.

    4 Steps to Overcome the need to take revenge on Self or Others

    Step1: Identify and heal the associated experience

    What is the associated experience which is creating a need to take revenge on self or others? How were you wronged? Did someone abuse you mentally, physically, emotionally, or financially? Did someone humiliate you, abandon you, took something or someone away from you, making you feel at a loss? Did someone restrict or control you? How did you feel when you went through that experience?

    You can use the following Redikall Crystalline Mind statement to get more clarity about the feeling associated with the need to take revenge on self or others.

    I Revive, Recognise, Realign and Reposition the reason behind my need to take revenge on self/others (mention the name of the person you are angry with).

    The Redikall Statements used in this article are from the Redikall Crystalline Mind Healing Modality. 

    Recite this statement at least 7 times, be aware of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions which follow, and keep recognizing them until you reach a blank state of mind. Click Here to learn about the application Redikall Crystalline Mind Statements in detail.

    Step2: Heal the Stored anger and Grief

    Once you identify and work with the associated experience, the stored anger toward yourself or others will drastically come down, and so will the grief. For any lingering anger and grief, use the following statements:

    I Revive, Recognise, Realign and Reposition my Stored Anger towards Self/(Name of the  person you are angry with)

    Keep reciting it until you feel peaceful and your body feels comfortable.

    Click Here to learn about the application Redikall Crystalline Mind Statements.

    Step3: Forgiveness

    True forgiveness is difficult to come from a space of weakness. When you are holding anger, you are vulnerable, and fear exists in a vulnerable space. Forgiveness from such space is mostly superficial and usually an escape mechanism.


    When you have identified the experience and made peace with the lingering anger and grief, through Step1 & 2, you will be ready to forgive yourself and others from a position of peace and strength. In fact, by this time, you will start realizing how you co-create your reality and how everyone plays their role in your life. So, it gets easier to forgive.You can use the following statement for forgiveness:

    I Revive, Recognise, Realign and Reposition My Awareness to forgive myself/others.

    Step4: Opening up to New Possibilities

    The Earth plane is called a plane of duality. Where you usually learn through the opposite of experiences. For example, when you go through exploitation time and again, you probably are learning to stand up for yourself. If you are often going through the experience of betrayal, you are probably learning to rely and trust yourself, which is nothing but the gift or brilliance behind the experience of betrayal.


    If you focus on the gift, you always have a choice on how to get it. If your gift is trusting yourself, you can do that through inspiration, where you manifest positive and encouraging situations to believe in your abilities.


    Step1 will help you realize the associated experience or learning behind the revenge script. Assume your associated experience is helpless, then you can manifest a new reality where you connect to your Inner strength through Inspiration and liberate yourself and others from a need to go through helplessness and then the revenge play. Following Redikall Affirmation will help you with this.

    I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition My Awareness of My Inner Strength (use the opposite of your associated experience in place of strength)


    However righteous the revenge looks, all the aspects of revenge are not natural to humans, and it may bring in the sense of guilt along. The process becomes serpentine when you are hurt by a loved one and ought to take revenge on them. It creates a vicious circle of guilt and punishment for self and others. It’s not easy to let go of the pain inflicted on you, but if you wish, you can liberate yourself from this cycle and create a new and happy reality. 

    Relevant Redikall Reading & Affirmation for Money Block because of Revenge

    Financial struggle, in some instances, is out of a need to punish self or others. Listen to the following Redikall Reading and Affirmation if you have been unconsciously taking revenge by money deprivation and constructively Open Up to Receive Money.


    Mujeeb Ahmed,

    Counseling Psychologist,

    Redikall Facilitator & Trainer,

    Former Senior Software Engineer,

    Click Here Know More


    4 Comments on 4 Steps of Liberation from REVENGE-A Brilliant catalyst of Growth

      Archana Rajendra Kulkarni
      October 20, 2022

      Brilliantly written and explained in simple language..A very good beginning to recognising anger and revenge and start releasing it.

        November 1, 2022

        Thank you, All the Best!!


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