Relationship Healing through Self-Awareness

Relationship Healing with Self awareness


Healing relationships through self-awareness starts with realizing that you play a crucial role in shaping your own world and have the power to bring positive changes to your connections. But it also means taking ownership of what’s not quite working in your relationship, seeing it as a co-creation. We often end up blaming circumstances or others, losing sight of what’s really going on in the relationship. It’s a kind of default thinking rooted in our primal need for survival. So, when it comes to healing relationships, taking a systematic approach is key. It helps avoid falling into that victim mentality and sets the stage for some real transformations in how you relate to yourself and others.

4 Crucial Steps to Transform Your Relationships with Self-Awareness

Step1: Recognising your connection with the person

To begin, find a comfortable sitting position during a time when you can focus without distractions. Take deep breaths, inhaling through your nostrils and exhaling through your mouth, to calm your mind. Once settled, repeat the following statement in your mind:


“I Reognize [Person’s Name] in My Relationship.”

This statement encourages you to observe the person and your relationship objectively, creating distance from your personal emotions. Patience is key in this step, as it is crucial for gaining a clear perspective on your relationship without being triggered. As you continue reciting the statement, your subconscious mind will bring up significant memories and incidents in your relationship. While many incidents may surface, calmly focus on one that has recently caused you distress. Let’s proceed to the next step on how to navigate this memory.

Step2: Uncovering the Subtle Layers of Conflict

Now, let’s engage with the memory we’ve captured in the previous step. Begin by affirming the following:


“I acknowledge this situation.”


Recite this statement to recognize the true nature of what is occurring in this situation, as if you are observing someone else’s life. Repeating this affirmation will assist you in anchoring into the genuine reasons behind the conflict or discord. People often engage in fights over seemingly trivial matters, but in reality, the root cause may be suppressed anger or unmet expectations from the past. The more you affirm this statement, the clearer you’ll understand the underlying issues.


For instance, a couple fighting over finances may not be solely about money. It could be one person’s reluctance to contribute or an attempt to exert control over the other with money, triggering the other’s deep-seated sense of insecurity. The more intense the need for control or the stored memories of insecurity, the more escalated the situation becomes. The point is, it might not be about money at all. Recognizing the situation in a calm space will enable you to grasp the true reasons behind the conflict.

Step3: Understanding the emotions evoked by this conflict

Once you’ve identified the collective energy behind this incident, it’s time to focus on the feelings you are experiencing through this situation.

Continuing with the previous example of a couple fighting over money, let’s imagine you are the one feeling insecure about finances. Now, it’s crucial to recognize the reason behind this insecurity. The following statement will guide you in understanding the root cause of your distress:


“I recognize the reason behind my ‘insecurity.'” (You can replace ‘insecurity’ with the specific emotion you identified in the previous step when recognizing the situation.)


This statement holds significant importance in bringing harmony back into your life. Reciting it will unveil the reasons behind your feelings of insecurity. Your subconscious might bring up memories of witnessing challenging financial situations your parents faced during your childhood or recall a past personal experience triggering a deep-seated fear. By repeating this statement, you will precisely pinpoint the moment when this perception about money and insecurity was formed in your life.

Step4: Integration and Transformation

Having identified the root causes of the ongoing relationship conflict, the next step involves healing and integrating these issues. Using the example of financial insecurities causing tension in the relationship, the healing process begins with acknowledging and embracing these fears.


Affirmations like
“I Accept and Embrace my insecurity”
“I Accept and Embrace my financial insecurity”
“I Accept and Embrace myself with my Financial Insecurities”
are powerful tools in this journey. You can replace the financial insecurity here with the emotion you identified in the previous step.


Reciting these statements consistently for 2-3 days helps in accepting and integrating these insecurities.


Following the acceptance phase, it’s crucial to shift focus towards the contrasting positive energy.

Affirmations like

“I Recognise the Sense of security in me,”
“I Recognise my Financial security”, and

“I Recognise the Secured me”

should be recited daily for 21 days, 21 times before bedtime.


This intentional practice contributes to a positive transformation, magically improving one’s relationship with oneself and the significant other.


In conclusion, the transformative journey from conflict to harmony in relationships hinges on the profound impact of self-awareness. It’s about being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and the unconscious incompletions that create your reality and understanding that you’re not just a bystander but a creator of your own reality. By tackling conflicts step by step and weaving in positive vibes intentionally, self-awareness becomes this magic wand for personal growth and better connections with self and others.


You might wonder, “I’m focusing on healing myself here, but what about the triggers of my partner?”. When you work on healing yourself, it’s not just about you – it significantly impacts your relationship too. The process we discussed is like fixing the hidden buttons that make you react without thinking. Once you sort that out, you start acting from a place of strength, not fear, which attracts more harmonious situations in your life. Even if you encounter similar conflicts, you’ll find yourself more stable, seeing through your partner’s issues with a clear and caring perspective. This presents an opportunity for you to help your partner and the relationship become truly strong and meaningful.

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