“Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani: Key Insights

“Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani is a powerful memoir that recounts the author’s remarkable journey from the brink of death to a miraculous recovery and profound spiritual awakening. At the heart of the book is Moorjani’s near-death experience (NDE) after a battle with cancer that had left her in a coma.

During her NDE, Moorjani experienced a realm of unconditional love and interconnectedness that transformed her understanding of life and healing. She recounts the overwhelming feelings of acceptance and the realization that embracing one’s true self is fundamental to well-being. The book challenges conventional notions about illness and recovery, suggesting that a lack of self-love and authenticity can contribute to physical ailments.

Moorjani’s narrative emphasizes the importance of living authentically, fearlessly, and in alignment with one’s true nature. Her insights encourage readers to overcome fear, embrace self-love, and pursue a life that reflects their deepest values. The memoir serves as a guide to personal growth, offering profound lessons on the mind-body connection and the transformative power of consciousness.

Overall, “Dying to Be Me” is a compelling exploration of life, death, and the unlimited potential within each individual. It goes beyond a traditional NDE account, providing readers with a roadmap for living a more authentic and fulfilling life. Moorjani’s story is one of hope, resilience, and the profound impact of self-discovery on physical and spiritual well-being.


5 Key Takeaways from “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani


In the realm of transformative literature, Anita Moorjani’s “Dying to Be Me” stands as a beacon of enlightenment. This inspirational memoir chronicles her extraordinary near-death experience, weaving together profound insights on self-discovery, healing, and the boundless potential within us. Join us as we delve into the essence of this enlightening journey.


1. The Power of Authentic Living:

At the core of Moorjani’s narrative is the transformative power of embracing one’s authentic self. “Dying to Be Me” invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, challenging societal expectations and fostering a profound sense of self-love. The book suggests that aligning with one’s true nature is a catalyst for healing and well-being.


2. Consciousness Shift and Mind-Body Connection:

Moorjani’s near-death experience led to a consciousness shift that transcends conventional understanding. The book explores the intricate connection between mind and body, emphasizing how our thoughts and emotions impact our physical well-being. Understanding this mind-body connection becomes a key element in the quest for holistic healing.


3. Overcoming Fear for Empowerment:

“Dying to Be Me” advocates for the liberation from fear as a means of empowerment. Moorjani’s story inspires readers to confront and overcome their fears, whether they be related to illness, self-doubt, or societal expectations. The narrative underscores the transformative potential that arises when one faces fear head-on.


4. Holistic Healing and Positive Thinking:

The memoir promotes a holistic approach to healing, encouraging readers to view their well-being as an integration of mind, body, and spirit. Positive thinking becomes a cornerstone, with Moorjani’s journey exemplifying the profound impact of maintaining a positive mindset on the healing process.


5. Life Philosophy and NDE Insights:

“Dying to Be Me” offers readers a life philosophy grounded in the insights gained from Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience. It invites contemplation on the nature of life, death, and the unlimited potential within each individual. The book serves as a guide, providing profound lessons on navigating the complexities of existence.



As we reflect on the transformative odyssey presented in “Dying to Be Me,” it becomes evident that Anita Moorjani’s words are more than a memoir—they are a roadmap for those seeking self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. The keywords woven into the fabric of her narrative serve as signposts, guiding readers toward a life of authenticity, courage, and profound self-love. Moorjani’s journey resonates as a testament to the transformative power within us all, waiting to be unearthed on the path to a more vibrant and fulfilling existence.


7 Real-life Benefits from the Jist of “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani:

“Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani is a book that explores her near-death experience and the profound insights she gained from it. While the book covers a wide range of themes, here are seven real-life benefits that readers may find:
1. Self-Love and Acceptance:
Anita Moorjani emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance. She suggests that embracing oneself fully, without judgment, is key to living a fulfilling life. This can lead to increased self-confidence and a more positive self-image.
2. Letting Go of Fear:
Moorjani encourages readers to release fear from their lives. By understanding that fear is often a product of societal expectations and conditioning, individuals can let go of limiting beliefs and live more authentically.
3. Mind-Body Connection:
The book underscores the powerful connection between the mind and the body. Moorjani suggests that our thoughts and emotions can significantly impact our physical well-being. Cultivating positive thoughts and emotions is seen as a way to promote overall health.
4. Living in the Present Moment:
Moorjani’s experience highlights the importance of living in the present moment. By letting go of regrets about the past and anxieties about the future, individuals can experience a greater sense of peace and joy in the present.
5. Authentic Living:
The author encourages readers to be true to themselves and live authentically. This involves being honest about one’s desires, passions, and values. Living authentically can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.
6. Connection and Unity:
Moorjani describes a sense of interconnectedness and unity that she experienced during her near-death experience. This can inspire readers to cultivate a greater sense of compassion, empathy, and understanding in their relationships with others.
7. Spiritual Growth and Awareness:
The book encourages spiritual exploration and growth. Readers may find inspiration to delve into their own spiritual journey, exploring concepts such as the nature of consciousness, the afterlife, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Frequently asked questions:

1. What is “Dying to Be Me” about?

“Dying to Be Me” is an inspirational memoir by Anita Moorjani that recounts her near-death experience, detailing profound insights on self-discovery, healing, and the transformative power of consciousness.

2. How did Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience impact her life?

Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience led to a profound shift in her consciousness, transforming her understanding of life and well-being. It inspired her to embrace authenticity, self-love, and a holistic approach to healing.

3. What is the significance of the book’s title, “Dying to Be Me”?

The title reflects the central theme of the book, emphasizing the importance of living authentically and embracing one’s true self. Moorjani suggests that true living involves letting go of societal expectations and fears, symbolically “dying” to old beliefs.

4. How does the book explore the mind-body connection?

“Dying to Be Me” delves into the intricate relationship between the mind and body. It discusses how thoughts and emotions can impact physical health, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive mindset for overall well-being.

5. What lessons does the book offer on overcoming fear?

The book advocates for overcoming fear as a pathway to empowerment. Moorjani’s story encourages readers to confront and transcend their fears, whether related to illness, self-doubt, or societal expectations.

6. Is “Dying to Be Me” solely focused on near-death experiences?

While the book does narrate Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience, it goes beyond this event. It explores life philosophy, self-discovery, and practical insights for personal growth, making it a comprehensive guide to holistic living.

7. How does the book address the concept of self-love?

“Dying to Be Me” underscores the importance of self-love in the healing process. Moorjani encourages readers to embrace their authentic selves, fostering a deep sense of love and acceptance for who they are.

8. Can the book be applied to personal development and everyday life?

Yes, “Dying to Be Me” is a practical guide for personal development. It offers insights and lessons that readers can apply to their everyday lives, encouraging a positive mindset, authenticity, and holistic well-being.

9. What is Anita Moorjani’s message to readers through the book?

The overarching message is one of empowerment and self-discovery. Moorjani invites readers to question societal norms, embrace authenticity, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit.

10. Is “Dying to Be Me” suitable for a specific audience?

The book is suitable for a broad audience interested in self-help, personal growth, and spiritual exploration. It resonates with those seeking inspiration, empowerment, and a transformative perspective on life’s challenges.


11. Where can i find Anita Moorjani book dying to be me in audio form?

Please refer to the audiobook here: “Dying to Be Me Audiobook”.

dying to be me by anita moorjani

More About Anita Moorjani:

Anita Moorjani, born on March 16, 1959, in Singapore, grew up in a culturally diverse environment. Her family practiced a unique blend of Hinduism and Christianity. From an early age, Anita faced various health challenges, including lymphoma, a struggle that would later play a pivotal role in her life-altering near-death experience.


Near-Death Experience:

In 2002, Anita Moorjani slipped into a coma due to advanced lymphoma. During this coma, she underwent a near-death experience that profoundly transformed her perspective on life. Anita describes feeling an overwhelming sense of peace, encountering a higher consciousness, and gaining deep insights into the nature of existence and the crucial role of self-love.


Recovery and Transformation:

Miraculously, Anita’s health improved following her near-death experience. Her body responded positively to treatments, and she eventually achieved a full recovery. The profound insights gained during her NDE inspired Anita to make significant life changes, placing emphasis on love, authenticity, and fearlessly embracing life.


“Dying to Be Me”:

Anita Moorjani documented her extraordinary journey and the wisdom acquired in her 2012 best-selling book, “Dying to Be Me.” The book resonated with readers globally, detailing Anita’s experiences and urging others to embrace their true selves, live authentically, and foster self-love as a key to healing.


Public Speaking and Advocacy:

In the aftermath of her transformative experience, Anita Moorjani emerged as a prominent speaker. She shares her story and insights at conferences, workshops, and events. Anita advocates for a holistic approach to health, highlighting the interconnectedness of the mind and body and stressing the pivotal role of self-love in the healing process.


Philosophy and Teachings:

Anita’s teachings center around themes of love, compassion, and the interconnectedness of all beings. She encourages individuals to release fear, embrace their authentic nature, and live in alignment with their true selves. Her philosophy resonates with those seeking spiritual and personal growth, offering inspiration and a deeper understanding of life and consciousness. While some approach her experiences with skepticism, Anita Moorjani’s message continues to impact individuals on a profound level, inviting contemplation and exploration of the mysteries of existence.


Frequently asked questions about the Anita Moorjani:

1. Who is Anita Moorjani?
Anita Moorjani is an author and speaker known for her transformative near-death experience, which she detailed in the best-selling book “Dying to Be Me.” Her teachings focus on love, authenticity, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Anita’s insights have resonated with many seeking spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of life and consciousness.
2. How old is Anita Moorjani?
Anita Moorjani was born on March 16, 1959. As of 2023 Anita Moorjani is 64 yeas old.
3. Is Anita Moorjani a Christian?
Anita Moorjani was raised in a family that practiced Hinduism. However, her near-death experience and the spiritual insights she gained have shaped her perspective in a way that transcends traditional religious labels. Her teachings often emphasize universal spiritual principles, love, and interconnectedness. 
4. Is Anita Moorjani still alive?
As of the last available information (Dec 2023), Anita Moorjani is alive. 
5. Is Anita Moorjani still married?
According to the latest information available, Anita Moorjani has been married to Danny Moorjani for the past 27 years.

Popular Quotes by Anita Moorjani

Anita Moorjani is a speaker and author known for her book “Dying to Be Me,” where she shares her near-death experience and the profound insights she gained from it. Here are some quotes attributed to Anita Moorjani:



“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.”



“The only thing that’s eternal is love. When you truly understand that, you transcend the fear of death.”



“Your only true job is to be yourself, and that is the only way you can truly be of service to anyone else.”



“Life is a gift, and each person is unique. Embrace your uniqueness. Time is very precious; don’t waste it being someone you’re not.”



“The biggest gift you can give yourself is the freedom to be who you really are.”



“When I was willing to let go of what I thought I should be, I became who I was born to be.”



“Your worth is not determined by others; it is determined by you.”



“The most empowering relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself.”



“Love yourself like your life depends on it, because it does.”



“The more I am true to myself, the more I find that the universe is supporting me.”



Remember that quotes can be paraphrased or interpreted differently based on context, so it’s always a good idea to explore Anita Moorjani’s work directly for a more complete understanding of her teachings and insights.


Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani Ted Talk

watch this amazing Ted talk by Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea

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