The SoulMetaPlay at Gurgaon this weekend unfolded some amazing insights. One of the prominent learning during this SoulMetaPlay was related to the channelization of Resources!!
SoulMetaplay is form of a Group therapy where cases related to health, finances, relationships, career etc., are taken up and with enhanced group consciousness the root causes of the challenges are revealed. The facilitator would be able to intuitively assign one of the participants to play the role of a case presenter and other participants to play different roles around him based on the case presented. The roles of other participants could be of a relative, business, a person, health Or an attribute like money, career Or an emotion like Love, anger, oath which are currently posing a challenge in case presenter’s life. During the Metaplay case presenter’s relationship with other roles is explored at metaphysical level. This is possible because whether it’s money/business/career/Relationship they all are a form of Energy and they reciprocate to our energy vibes at any given point of time. This process helps us to understand the root causes of the challenges from the point of creation.
During a Case this week, one of the participants was playing the role of “Resources” and the observation of this was an eyeopener for all of us!!
The Participant started experiencing an excruciating pain as soon as the participant got into this roleplay. As the metaplay progressed we realised that the “Resources” played by the participant were feeling the pain of not being utilised up to potential.
Before we get into this, let’s explore a little about resources and how we block them unconsciously.
We can surmise these resources as Divine provisions, sometimes just meant for us and sometimes meant for others through us. A Resource in this context could be Love, Wealth, contacts, Fame etc., which are allocated corresponding to the role play we have taken up in this life.
Have you ever wondered How a mother could love her child beyond any measure? That is because she is channelizing the divine love for her child. The kind of love which is difficult to contain in words. Here “Love” from the divine is the “Resource” meant for the child and mother is acting like a channel. As long as mother is aware that her children are divine’s grace and she is merely a channel, she would be able to seamlessly channel the unconditional love. The moment a Mother starts thinking that she owns the children, her channel gets clogged with the filters of Responsibility, her incompletions, her insecurities and turns this unconditional love into attachment.
Similarly, A Man/Woman just has a limited capacity to earn money, fame etc., when they are making it for themselves. When the same Person gets into the roleplay of a provider for a family or others, his Receiving channel expands and he gets entitled to all the Resources which are meant for his Spouse, children, parents or anyone under his care. This is how large Charitable organisations are built where the Founders are aware that they are mere channels of resources which are meant for the needy one and the resources keep flowing seamlessly.
A Man must feel proud to be chosen for a role of a provider, a channel, a medium to convey the divine resources like food, shelter, wealth, Respect, love etc., meant for the people under his care. “Because it’s capacity of the people to receive from him which decides how much he can channel”. The Moment He starts believing that these resources are out of his pockets: all his conditionings, beliefs, inhibitions and insecurities start to congest this channel and the flow of resources feels stressful.
The same applies to the People who are here to influence large population. These people could be Scientists, Authors, Innovators, Leaders, Artists or anyone who has the potential to reach out to the heart and minds of the people. A person who is here to influence the lives of people, would be definitely entitled to many resources. It could be knowledge, an innovative idea or a project which changes the fate of people. If a leader or a person who is holding a powerful position thinks that He is doing things for people by himself, he would be able to deliver in a limited capacity. If the Same person starts seeing the bigger picture and believe that he is just a mere channel to help the resources reach to people who are entitled to it, he becomes a clear Channel. That’s when larger than life Reforms happen, that’s when unbelievable projects take place and that is when a piece of beautiful art or book gets channelled which has potential to enrich the lives of people.
Now if you are here to influence people and you don’t take up your role of a channel, may be because of your resistance to fame generated out of the belief that famous people are targeted Or any other inhibition, You are not only blocking your resources but also the resources of people who are waiting for it. When the Resources which are meant to be channelled lay dormant or unused, they feel hurt. This is what we were able to infer when we saw the Resources going through an Excruciating pain during the Soulmetaplay.
Also, the challenge is, many times we lose in touch with our true self and all resources we are entitled and hence unconsciously block them.
Take a pause, a deep breathe and repeat the following Statements few times. These statements will bring some awareness around the Resources you are entitled for self and others. The following statements are out of Redikall Crystalline Mind (RCM) which helps you go beyond the filters of Conscious mind and tap into the Collective consciousness.
I Revive the Resources I am entitled to
I Recognise the Resources I am entitled to
I Realign the Resources I am entitled to
I Re-orient the Resources I am entitled to
I Re-position the Resources I am entitled to
May these statements bring insights which will not only help you get in touch with these resources but also inspire you to live up to your true potential!! Cheers
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