Awakening the Influencer in You

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Have you wondered why some people make it huge despite having similar resources and constraints as others?


The ability to influence the masses makes the difference between an average and a phenomenal success. One can influence the masses through their gifts and talents or provide solutions to certain problems people are facing.  


In this write-up, let’s explore what it takes to be an Influencer and how you can awaken the one in you!! 


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    Practically, you can achieve enormous success when you can reach out to more people, and that is possible when you have creative solutions to problems the masses are facing. If you operate intending to help the masses, you would be able to precisely and swiftly identify the problems which are prevalent and come up with a lateral solution that can make the lives of others better. This is common sense, and most people are aware of it. let’s explore this concept from the perception of Energy.


    Energetically speaking, when you wish to help the masses, you align yourself with the Energy of Creation, which is in all that is. The Universal consciousness is the dynamic energy that is always developing and upgrading itself. Sometimes this evolution is smooth, and sometimes it happens through course correction. No matter the situation, there is always an opportunity to serve and genuinely contribute. The first step is to energetically align your visions with Universal visions. The collective consciousness is aware of what is needed, what can bring the shift, and what can make things better; your alignment to this awareness will attract the right people, talent, guidance, and resources needed to implement Universal visions through you. In this process, you also become an indirect beneficiary entitled to the resources like money, fame & recognition.


    The old ways of learning and evolution are turning redundant, and this is the time in human history when we need more and more Aligned Visionaries to drive us.

    Statements for aligning the energy of the Influencer in You

    Here are some of the Redikall statements which will activate the Visionary in you and align you with Universal energy:


    I Recognise the Possibility of integrating my visions with the Universal visions
    I Recognise the Possibility of integrating my material and spiritual aspirations
    I Constructively respond to the Authority in me and opt for a Win-Win situation
    I Honour the Ground reality, helping me to implement the Universal visions
    I Allow myself to be loved by people
    I Allow myself to effectively channel the resources
    I Humbly succeed in life being a Channel of universal visions.


    Another vital aspect of being an influencer is your openness to being recognized.

    Here is the Redikall reading and statement, which will help you open up to money and other resources which come along with fame, popularity, and recognition. 

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