Here is the RCM Healing procedure, which you can use to handle day-to-day challenges with your relationships, health, and finances. The following guide applies the RCM Healing Method for Physical Aches and Pains. You can use the same method for other challenges as well.
RCM (Redikall Crystalline Mind) Healing Procedure to work with your Physical Aches and Pain:
Whenever you can’t process an emotional trauma, the subconscious mind stores it in your body. The aches and pains you experience in your physical body are nothing but unresolved information. If you have body pain, you can find relief with the following steps:
Step1: Grounding: 3 minutes of total body relaxation
Gathering your energy and relaxing before starting the healing procedure is essential. When you are calm, the conscious mind slows down, and you can have better access to the subconscious mind. Use the following method, or you can also use other ways you have been practicing to center yourself and relax.
- Find a place where you have some privacy and silence. Any time of the day is fine for practicing this.
- Be seated or lie in a comfortable position. Comfort is the essence.
- Once you are comfortable, close your eyes. Take some deep breaths.
- Bring your awareness into your room, then towards your physical body, and then around your nostrils.
- Breathe in through your nostrils on a count of 4: 1,2,3,4. Hold your breath for the next 4 seconds: 1,2,3,4, and exhale on a count of 4: 1, 2, 3, 4. Repeat this cycle 4 times.
- Now visualize every cell on top of your head slowly relaxing. Observe this relaxation gently spreading to your forehead, face, neck, and shoulders. If you find any tightness, take a deep breath in, and when you breathe out, see the relaxation setting in part of your body. Feel this relaxation slowly spreading to your chest, stomach, upper, middle, and lower back and then moving on to your hips, genitals, thighs, knee, calf muscles, and feet. Observe each and every cell in your body from the top of your head to all the way down to the tip of your toes in a deep state of relaxation.
Step2: Anchoring
- Once you are relaxed and grounded, take your awareness to the body part where you have pain. If you are experiencing pain in different body parts simultaneously, bring your attention to the body part where the pain is more at this moment.
- Give the Pain an Intensity on a scale of 0 to 10. "0" being nothing and "10" being the highest. This helps in anchoring as well as keeping the process tangible.
- Visualize a color for this pain. Along with anchoring, this will also help you gauge the healing process. For example, if you have knee pain, initially, you may see it as Red, and as you progress with the help of the RCM statements, the color may change, giving you a hint of the data shift at the subconscious level.
Step3: Processing the information
Start with the following statements (Replace Knee Pain with the pain you have or any other issue you are going through).
- I Revive My Knee Pain
- I Recognize My Knee Pain
- I Realign My Knee Pain
- I Reorient My Knee Pain
- I Reposition My Knee Pain
Refer to the RCM book channeled by Aatmn Parmar. This gives you a detailed explanation of the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious mind; How we store and process the information in our subconscious mind; the Meaning and application of the RCM statements, and much more.
Connect with us to know more about the Redikall Crystalline Mind (One-Day) workshop which will equip you to handle all kinds of challenges ranging from an inner child, pre-programming, emotional trauma, relationships, and also manifest your goals.
Here is a short explanation of the five magical words
- Revive: Helps you retrieve data from the depths of your subconscious mind
- Recognize: Helps you look at your challenges as a neutral observer
- Realign: Helps you open up the healing information and energy
- Reorient: Helps you shift the subconscious data relevant to the concept of the illness or challenge you are holding.
- Reposition: Reposition your memories into the right folders to set yourself free from the ongoing challenges)
Recite these statements 21 times, and your subconscious mind will start communicating with you in the form of some memories, pictures, visions, etc., Be calm, focused, and aware of the memories which show up while you use the statements.
Continuing with the example, while working with knee pain, if your subconscious mind reminds you of a memory where you felt stuck, the subconscious mind is trying to tell you about the stagnated energy creating the knee pain. Continue with the following statements.
- I Revive My Feeling of Stagnation.
- I Recognize My Feeling of Stagnation.
- I Realign My Feeling of Stagnation.
- I Reorient My Feeling of Stagnation.
- I Reposition My Feeling of Stagnation.
Do it 21 times and recheck the intensity of the pain on a scale of 0-10. In most cases, it instantly comes down. Keep doing this process until you reach 0. While you use these statements, one of the following results is expected.
Expected Outcomes:
1. No difference at all
This is a rare situation. In this case, be patient and repeat the same statements 21 times. Check if you have any doubts, benefits, or resistance! Ask yourself: What would happen if you were free from the problem, issue, or pain? Address the concern or block in the same way with affirmations.
2. Mild difference
You are doing well. Repeat the same affirmations 21 times. OR there could be some other layer of emotion or physical discomfort surfacing. However trivial, they are demanding your attention at the moment. You can now work on the next layer of issues or continue with the original issue; the choice is yours in this case.
3. Completely fine
If you feel completely fine, you are very receptive to the healing process. You can keep reciting the relevant statements for at least 21 days and 21 times a day. This will help you create a new neuro pathway for the fresh changes.
4. Feeling Blank
A state where there is no thought, no feeling, no pain, no problem. In this space, you are likely to get a beautiful insight. Allow it to come to you.
5. Feeling sleepy and drowsy
It is a good sign. We recommend you use RCM statements before going to sleep and sleep with a clutter-free state of mind which is calm and peaceful.
6. Discharges
You tend to release toxic energies through burps, yawns, gaseous discharges from the intestines, deep breaths, etc.; if you have any discharge, know that it is a release process: Allow it to complete its natural course.
7. Mixed Response
Physical pain, emotional disturbance, itching in the particular body part(s), discomfort in the specific body part(s), etc., all surfacing simultaneously. Address the more predominant response first, and the rest of the responses are likely to be taken care of.
RCM Onsite/Online One-day Workshop
If you want to know more about the one-day Online/Onsite Redikall Crystalline Mind Workshop, Click here Drop a message, and we will reach out to you. Thanks
Application of RCM to Enhance Your Financial Life
Access the Recording from the Live Session Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness. You, too, can join this FREE Workshop Series to Improve your Financial Life. Click Here to Register.
About the Author
Mujeeb Ahmed,
Counseling Psychologist,
Certified Redikall Facilitator & Trainer,
Former Senior Software Engineer

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