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Win Being Unique and Beat the Jealousy

Redikall SoulMetaplay is an avenue through which you can explore 'Self' and things happening in your life in relevance to health, relationships, money, career, business, etc., It's one of the steps in Redikall Insights curriculum where we can sit back and see our life unfolding at the energy level. Last week we went through a series of SoulMetaplay events at Mumbai and there was interesting learning in one of the SoulMetaplays around competition. Here is the excerpt from it!!
Competition is one of the key programmings through which humanity has been evolving. It's given to us so that there is constant growth. The sense of competition helps us to connect to our inner strength and stretch beyond the self-imposed limits. We encourage children to have a healthy competition in studies, in sports and it continues even when we grow up, we compete in our careers, business, as society and even at the level of nations. The competition amongst businesses brings out new products, improved services. If you observe, you would notice how the competition between the cell phone companies in the recent past has drastically improved the quality and features of cell phones.


The programming of Competition can be explained with an anecdote of two siblings, the elder being the taller, could reach out to the cookies kept on the topmost kitchen shelf, where the younger kid is not able to reach. Now the younger one has an option to be innovative, bring a chair, get on top of it and get the cookies. This is an example where a child learns to use tools and be innovative which is fueled by the need to compete.



The sense of competition starts at a very young age. As young children, Parent’s Love and attention is the prime Source for which we compete. If you are a single child, probably you have competed with one parent to get the attention of the other. If you had siblings, you would have competed with them to get your parent’s love and attention. There is a concept in Psychology called Ordination, which talks about how your birth order influences your life. Normally, the eldest child complies with parents, and the next one becomes the rebel, as the position of being complaint and receiving love and attention is already filled. If the elder is a rebel, then the younger turns to be the nice guy or girl! and all of this is to get the love and attention of Parents!! 

The kind of relationship we share with our siblings, energetically we share a similar relationship with our friends, peers, colleagues. If you are going through an overwhelming sense of competition with your colleagues, friends, brothers/sisters in law, it’s time for you heal your relationship with your siblings.

Competition helps you to grow in more ways than you could imagine. Having said that, the cornerstone of Competition is Comparison. To compete, you need to compare yourself with others. This would work well until you are doing better in comparison, but when things are not going in your favor, it could also bring the sense of not being good enough, unworthy, envy, jealousy, experiences of betrayal, etc., which are like the bugs in the programming of Competition. 

Let’s take a moment and look into one of the by-products of Competition, Jealousy!! In our line of practice, we come across clients who are scared to open up to get recognized and avoid the well-deserved name and fame because they are afraid of getting subjected to Jealousy and ill effects of it which is normally referred as evil eye., The fear of being subjected to jealousy is very deep-rooted and exists from ancient times. 

Redikall Insights is about taking responsibility for whatever is happening in your life. It is not about blaming self for everything which is not working, but about believing that, “if I manifested this, I could manifest something better as well”. It is a position of Empowerment, where you take charge of your life. Redikally speaking, we manifest everything in our life by certain beliefs, conditionings, associations, and programming. let’s explore where the fear of being subjected jealousy germs out of.


When do you normally feel jealous? 

When you watch Sachin or Lionel Messi score on the field, you may not feel jealous about it, in fact, most of the people would enjoy it. But the person who has a similar talent and couldn’t make it into the team may feel jealous about it!! The jealousy stems out when you have the same potential, skill sets, and yet couldn’t live up to it for some reason. In the same way, when others are feeling jealous of you, they are somewhere comparing themselves with you. As mentioned, we manifest our reality, the question you need to ask is why do others compare themselves with you? We attract jealousy in our lives or get affected by it only when we lose touch with our Uniqueness. Like the thumbprint, each one has Unique qualities. The moment we start connecting to our Uniqueness, we start seeing that Uniqueness in each and everyone, that is the point from where you can liberate yourself from the need to compare as well as invite comparisons from others. This is the point from where we start celebrating and cherishing the Uniqueness of all and even celebrate the success of others. If you wish to connect to your Uniqueness, use the following Redikall statements which will bring insights and guidance to you and liberate you from the game of competition and jealousy.

  • I Revive my Uniqueness
  • I Recognize my Uniqueness
  • I Realign my Uniqueness
  • I Reorient my Uniqueness
  • I Reposition my Uniqueness

If the sense of competition brings you Joy and helps you grow with a positive attitude, probably you have an expanded awareness to see all this as a game and you can continue using this programme towards a healthy growth. But in case the collateral damage of competition is more than the results you get, it’s time to rise beyond this programming. 

The beginning shall happen by working on your relationship with your siblings and the following statements will help you with that. conventionally, when you grow up, your relationship with your siblings gets sorted out, but if the programming of competition is not addressed, we start seeing that in form of our children competing with each other or competition at office, career or business. If you keep seeing people competing with each other in your reality, it’s a reminder for you to address that inner child which went through the need to compete and believed in the lack of resources. The universe is abundant and there is enough available for all of us, letting go of the need to compete would also help us to operate out of abundance consciousness.  

  • I Revive my sense of competition towards my Brother/Sister (You could replace this with the name)
  • I Recognize my sense of competition towards my Brother/Sister (You could replace this with the name)
  • I Realign my sense of competition towards my Brother/Sister (You could replace this with the name)
  • I Reorient my sense of competition towards my Brother/Sister (You could replace this with the name)
  • I Reposition my sense of competition towards my Brother/Sister (You could replace this with the name)

Recite these statements in mind for 15-20 times and a memory, image or thought may cross your mind bringing insights into what needs to be healed between you and your siblings and when that happens, you can use the following statements to make harmony. 

  • I revive, recognise, realign, reorient and reposition “The Memory/Picture/Feeling which comes to your mind with previous statements”.

Growth is inevitable, the consciousness in us always learns, expands and grows. It is our natural state. At the same time, we have a choice on how we want to grow, with the competition or with Joy. The following statements will help you have Joy in the process of learning and growing. Recite these statements for 15-20 times and they will bring insights on making harmony with the memories which made you believe that Competition is the only way to grow.

  • I Revive my association of Growth with Competition
  • I Recognise my association of Growth with Competition
  • I Realign my association of Growth with Competition
  • I Reorient my association of Growth with Competition
  • I Reposition my association of Growth with Competition


Then please use the following statements which will open you up to the New consciousness where you would be able to grow with Joy and others will start feeling happy in your success. 



  • I Revive my association of Growth with Joy
  • I Recognise my association of Growth with Joy
  • I Realign my association of Growth with Joy
  • I Reorient my association of Growth with Joy
  • I Reposition my association of Growth with Joy


The Channeled words Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition are part of Redikall Insights. ( Redikall Crystalline Mind) works directly with your Sub-Conscious Mind. Since these statements interact directly with the Subconscious mind, they are effective irrespective of whether you know their meaning or not. These statements will not only offer you insights but will also provide you with the solution in the form of Re-alignment of Sub-Conscious beliefs, conditionings, and limitations.

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