Healing Recipes

Father's influence on your Money Blueprint

rootsandbright-blog-father-money-blueprint3let’s explore how your connection with your father can shape your relationship with money. Regardless of gender, we all possess a blend of masculine and feminine traits. The masculine aspects include qualities such as being proactive, assertive, providing safety and security, taking initiative, and emphasizing the creation of systems and structure. Energetically, Father influences your Masculine principle & Mother influences your Feminine Principle. In some cases, Mother or Grandparents or Some Authority could have also played the role of a Father (provider) in your life and has influenced your masculine principle. In the context of this write up, it’s not important who influenced your masculine energy. What truly matters is finding harmony with these energy principles within yourself. If your masculine principle is fully activated and in harmony, you likely aspire to thrive in life. You may have a desire to create, plan new endeavors, develop strategies to expand your business, or pursue growth in your career. At the same time, if you reject your masculine principle because of your past conflicts with your father/provider, you can feel lethargy, not wanting to achieve, dream or expand and focus would be on mere survival. The following statements will bring you insights on what beliefs, conditionings you have towards money which draws your money reality. The Channelled words Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition (From Redikall Crystalline Mind) works directly with your Sub-Conscious Mind. Since these statements interact directly with the subconscious mind, they are effective, irrespective of whether you know their meaning or not. These statements will not only offer you insights but will also provide you with the Solution in form of Re-alignment of Sub-Conscious beliefs, conditionings and limitations. There are two important Aspects to consider in this healing:


1. Your Father’s Perception of Money:

First exercise is the Realignment of Limiting beliefs, perceptions, conditionings your Father had towards money, which are not serving you anymore. Since Parents are authority figures in your life, they have easy access to your Subconscious mind and all the conscious/unconscious beliefs they hold are impressed upon your Subconscious mind and these thoughts create your reality. Your Father might have borrowed these beliefs from his parents, environment and sometimes it gets carried on from generation to generation. Using the following statements will help you realign them at all Levels.

Repeat the following statements out loud or in mind for about 15-20 times and be cognitive of what thought, image, or feeling follows up in your mind.


  • I Revive my father’s perception of Money
  • I Recognise my father’s perception of Money
  • I Realign my father’s perception of Money
  • I Reorient my father’s perception of Money
  • I Reposition my father’s perception of Money

Assume an image flashes into your mind where your Father is watching News on TV about some scandal and makes a statement that money is making people corrupt.


So, you can continue with the following statements


  • I Revive my father’s association of Money with Corruption
  • I Recognise my father’s association of Money with Corruption
  • I Realign my father’s association of Money with Corruption
  • I Reorient my father’s association of Money with Corruption
  • I Reposition my father’s association of Money with Corruption

In this way anything may pop up in mind, like your father mentioning that “Money doesn’t grow on trees” etc., then use following statements: 


  • I Revive my father’s association of Money with Struggle
  • I Recognise my father’s association of Money with Struggle
  • I Realign my father’s association of Money with Struggle
  • I Reorient my father’s association of Money with Struggle
  • I Reposition my father’s association of Money with Struggle

Or “money distracts you from the spiritual path”, then you may use



  • I Revive my father’s association of Money with Distraction
  • I Recognise my father’s association of Money with Distraction
  • I Realign my father’s association of Money with Distraction
  • I Reorient my father’s association of Money with Distraction
  • I Reposition my father’s association of Money with Distraction

Feel free to use your own words for associations. Redikall statements are more than words, it’s an intelligence which will take care and work in your highest and the best. So don’t hesitate to follow your intuition and use these statements creatively.

2. Your Association of Money with your Father or Primary provider:

Most of the societies make a direct association of parents with god, which makes us believe our parents are perfect!! When you become a Parent or grow mature, you would realise that your parents are as human as any other person, with all their incompletions and struggles. 

But the inner child in you which has got hurt by Father wouldn’t want to let go and unconsciously starts rejecting all the things which have contributed to this discomfort, including Money!! Following statements will help you to heal and integrate those experiences and inner children.

Ask yourself a question, how were you made to feel when you received money from your father? Was your father happy while he contributed money? 

Was he irritated? Did you feel obliged? Did you feel restricted? Did you feel Answerable? Were you belittled? Did you feel humiliated?

Once you make this kind of association with money, you start to block the flow of money. This is not because we don’t want money but with a belief that money will also bring irritation, restriction, humiliation etc.,  along with it.


If you don’t have clarity on what kind of core association you have with money, the following statements will give you insights:


  • I Revive my feelings associated with Receiving money from my Father
  • I Recognise my feelings associated with Receiving money from my Father
  • I Realign my feelings associated with Receiving money from my Father
  • I Reorient my feelings associated with Receiving money from my Father
  • I Reposition my feelings associated with Receiving money from my Father

Again, be calm and observe what thoughts, feelings, images follow once you say the above statements.

When you have the clarity, you can use the following statements:



  • I Revive my association of Money with  “Answerability/Restriction/Humiliation/”Your own association” etc.,
  • I Recognise my association of Money with  “Answerability/Restriction/Humiliation/”Your own association” etc.,
  • I Realign my association of Money with  “Answerability/Restriction/Humiliation/”Your own association” etc.,
  • I Reorient my association of Money with  “Answerability/Restriction/Humiliation/”Your own association” etc.,
  • I Reposition my association of Money with  “Answerability/Restriction/Humiliation/”Your own association” etc.,

The preceding clearing process lays the groundwork, creating a neutral space for the new seed. Now, to cultivate a more refined relationship with money, repeat the affirmation “I Give Money Its Rightful Position in my Life” at least 21 times daily for 21 days. This intentional practice aims to solidify positive shifts in your money blueprint, fostering a healthier and more empowering connection with financial abundance.


The intention of this Healing Recipe is to rekindle the Consciousness of Abundance in you, which says there is enough resources available for everyone in this world, you only have to make a choice to allow abundance into your life. Money is a neutral energy; it just gives fuel to what is already in you. Know that money in right hands could do more good than harm and you are the right person!!


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