4 Steps to increase the Creativity in your Child

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Through Left, you will be Al-Right!! 

Last weekend I came across an exhibition at Goa that highlighted some of the famous personalities who use their left as the dominant Hand. There is so much literature on the internet, I am sure by now you have come across brain anatomy and its function in one or the other form. 

Let’s explore how just using the right or Left as the dominant hand can influence who we are!!

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    In layman’s terms, the brain has two sides, Left and Right!! The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. A simple endorsement of this can be found in cases of brain strokes. If the stroke occurs on the right side of the Brain, the left side of the body will be affected and vice versa.

    The left and right sides of the Brain, not only have taken up the role of controlling a particular side of the physical body but also have distributed certain functions and skills amongst themselves. The Right Hemisphere of the Brain is Creative, functions abstractly, Intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective: Whereas the Left Hemisphere of the Brain is Analytical, Logical, detail, and fact-oriented. Initially, researchers could identify how these Right and left hemispheres perform by observing people who had brain injuries in accidents. Depending upon the side of the brain injury, they observed a differed mental activity. Technology has come a long way, and there are advanced methods to accurately measure which area of the brain gets activated when a certain task is performed.

    Logic is one of the primary drivers of human evolution, and perhaps that’s why there has always been an emphasis on being logical and fact-oriented. The economy thrives on Left-brained activities, and that has molded our Education system to focus more on the Left brain. Logic might have shaped human evolution, but the Creative force is the drive from which evolution happens, new ideas are born, and innovations are done. Creativity, either in Art or Science, is always supported by imagination, intuition, and the inherent ability to dream and see solutions that are beyond our normal perceptions. If you glance at some of the major scientific breakthroughs of human history, you will realize that many inventions started by just being an imagination in someone’s mind.

    Young Children are Creative and intuitive by nature, but by the time they reach their teenage, they lose touch with their natural creative and intuitive abilities because of reduced use of the right brain. I believe it is important to balance logic and creativity, and there are several ways to do that. Since we already have a system focusing more on left-brained activities, let me share some simple methods which would help you enhance right-brained skills and functions.

    4 points of Focus to enhance the Creativity in your child

    1) If your infants use the left hand instinctively, please do not force them to use the right hand. Only 10% world’s population is left-handed, and it is probably time we need more people who can imagine, dream & Innovate!! 


    2) Encourage your children to use their left hand for small activities like brushing their teeth, opening the door, etc.,


    3) Playing musical instruments where there is a coordination of both the right and left hand will help to balance the brain activities. Practicing Instruments like guitar, and percussion will help to create this balance. Though Music is learned logically by adhering to the notes, I believe some of the world’s greatest hits are composed by tapping into creative intelligence and using the right brain.


    4) Encourage children to paint, doodle and indulge in crafts, and if you get an opportunity, join them to enhance your creativity.


    Next time, during your performance review, if your manager asks you to come up with an innovative idea, you know where to focus!! All the best, and May you be Joyfully Creative!!


    Also, what would help you be more unconditional towards your children is overcoming the perception you have about perfection and imperfection. This perception often influences your money reality as well. Following Redikall reading and affirmation will help you to overcome it. 

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