7 Steps to Regain Your Command Over Your Contribution

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People enjoy contributing as much as they love to receive when in balance. Contributing money or related resources to your friends, family, and partners will help you preserve the relationships well and also help in boosting your esteem, worthiness, and confidence. It makes one feel proud to contribute and serve a purpose. Being a joyful contributor is a vital prerequisite to being a good receiver. Despite this, many find it hard to contribute because of not having enough command of how much to contribute, to whom to contribute, and in which manner to contribute. This article with the Redikall Affirmations will help you find the resolution and regain the balance of resources in your life. Before we get to the solution, let’s understand why the contribution feels difficult.

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    Command over Contribution

    People often face situations where they have to contribute money or related resources against their wishes. If it has been a pattern in your life, it is essential to explore why you keep manifesting this situation, how it affects your financial life and how you can overcome it by precisely recognizing and realigning your subconscious beliefs and memories with the help of Redikall Affirmations. 

    It’s exhausting to contribute hard-earned money against your wishes. But many of you have gone through this situation once in a while. If this pattern keeps repeating, it will drain your energy and make you unconsciously block the inflow of money to avoid the contribution. This can adversely affect your finances. Let’s explore why this happens and how you can willingly contribute and also receive money with ease.

    Top 7 reasons which make one become a reluctant contributor with Resolution.

    1) Betrayal

    Betrayal can be a devastating experience. A lot of betrayals happen with finances. Many of you would have experienced a breach of trust or betrayal when you contributed money or other resources to someone in your personal or professional space. The experience of betrayal comes with a spectrum of feelings ranging from anger, sadness, shame, to loss. It hurts more when the betrayal is from a close friend or family member, which can keep you a skeptical contributor until you find a resolution.

    If you have gone through any such experience, you can use the following Redikall statement to resolve the stored feelings and memories. Betrayal can be a devastating experience. A lot of betrayals happen with finances. Many of you would have experienced a breach of trust or betrayal when you contributed money or other resources to someone in your personal or professional space. The experience of betrayal comes with a spectrum of feelings ranging from anger, sadness, shame, to loss. It hurts more when the betrayal is from a close friend or family member, which can keep you a skeptical contributor until you find a resolution.  

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with Betrayal.”

     2) Not being Valued

    It gets tough to contribute freely if your contributions in the past were rejected, leveled as not being good enough, not up to the mark, not meeting expectations, etc., More problematic is the situation when you have no other way but to keep contributing, irrespective of the poor reception. Energetically speaking, in this case, the contribution could be just an excuse for you to experience an unfulfilment as a contributor or feel not good enough about yourself. The following two affirmations will help you break this pattern and willingly contribute in sync with the receiver’s expectations.


    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my feeling of not being good enough.” 

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with unfulfilment.”  

    3) Unhealthy experiences of receiving from childhood

    It’s hard for people to contribute with joy when a good example is not set for them as children. As children, if the money received from your parents has cost you freedom, honor, or esteem, you have probably made an association that, with contribution, you can overpower others. In my line of work, I have observed many parents using money as an excuse to restrict or control their children, and sometimes out of ignorance, the contribution of money is made to belittle or humiliate children to keep them under check. When you hold such memories, you can also start using the contribution to overpower others. But if the seed thought of contribution is lack, it eventually yields lack, and One shies away from the contribution when they tire of this game.

    If you have gone through any such experience, you can use the following Redikall statements to resolve the stored feelings and memories.

    Pick the affirmation which resonates with you most and recite it at least 21 times to get more insights.

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with Humiliation” 

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with Restriction” 

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with Belittlement.”

    4) Taken for granted

    With friends and family, many people find it hard to be firm in matters of finances, and this could lead people to put you last on their priority list while paying back. One of my clients felt taken for granted when the person who owed him money would go on expensive holidays yet delay the repayments, citing financial difficulties. Such incidents can form the subconscious belief that contribution can put you in a position where others take you for granted. This can eventually make you block the contribution to avoid being taken for granted. 


    If you have gone through any such experience, you can use the following Redikall statement to resolve the stored feelings and memories.


    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with Being taken for granted.” 

    Following are some of the significant reasons which make you compulsively contribute and eventually block your contribution.

    5) Fear of Spoiling relationships

    This is the typical reason which makes people skeptical about their contributions. Most people don’t want to strain their relationships and end up contributing money/matter, despite being in tight financial situations. When you unwillingly contribute to someone, not to ruffle a relationship, you strain yourself, which in due course builds anger and resentment towards the other person and eventual fallout. If you have experienced this stress in the past, you will find it hard to contribute in the future. 

    If your relationships are genuine, they will understand your position if you cannot contribute, and the connections will remain intact.


    If your relationships are genuine, they will understand your position if you cannot contribute, and the connections will remain intact.

    5) Fear of Losing Respect

    People often end up contributing beyond their limits so that they don’t feel disrespected by the person who receives from them or the other people involved. 


    But if you want to be truly respected, you need to consider that contributions and respect are not proportional. People energetically pick up the intentions behind the contributions rather than material contributions. That’s why people who make big contributions also may not earn respect as much as the person who made the contribution with the right intention and a whole heart, however small the contribution is.

    The need to earn Respect through contributing money usually comes out of the experiences of past humiliation.

    Following  Affirmation will  help you dissociate the contribution with the need to gain respect.

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my experiences of past humiliation.”

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my association of Contribution with Gaining respect.”  

     7) Fear of being subjected to other's anger by saying No to contribute

    Many of you may find it hard to deny requests of others, however irrational they are. One of the reasons for it is fear of making others angry. If you fear being subjected to others’ anger, it’s probably stemming from a traumatic childhood experience and requires your immediate attention so that you can live a free and peaceful life.

    When you find it hard to say no to contributing money or other resources to someone and also not want to be subjected to their wrath, you can unconsciously start blocking the inflow of resources. By blocking money, you can avoid the possibility of a forceful contribution, as well as  save yourself from others’ anger, but you will end up depriving yourself in the process.

    The following affirmation will help you come to terms with the fear of getting subjected to other’s anger and allows you to have a complete command over your contribution.  


    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my fear of being subjected to others’ anger.”

    “I Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition my command over my Contribution.”


    Having total command over what you wish to contribute to others helps you to be a willing contributor. You will have a sense of fulfillment and enhanced self-esteem when you contribute being in charge. Being a good contributor would also help you be a good receiver of money and other resources. Healing the incompletions that have made you a reluctant contributor not only improves your finances but also brings an overall sense of harmony and balance in other aspects of your life.

    Redikall Reading and Affirmation Recording for the energetic resolution


    Mujeeb Ahmed,

    Counseling Psychologist,

    Former Senior Software Engineer,

    Redikall Facilitator & Trainer

    Click to Know more about the Author


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